Hey all! Sorry for the lengthy reply, I know my last one was vague and yea this one might be as well but maybe with a few pics to tide you over. I will leave it to you to look these places up... I know I could put some sort of google earth graphic or something... but too lazy at the moment...
but lets start where we left off. So there is a wilderness lodge on Whitton lake called Nuk Tessli, here is the link http://www.nuktessli.ca/. It took a $60, 20 minute float plane trip in from Nimpo Lake on Highway 20, about 4 hours west of Williams lake. Naomi was my connection as she is friends with the owner, Chris. The picture to the right is the sunrise and a few of the monarch ice field.
It was quite the experience but it was all about hiking the area. In 4 days there we
climbed a few peaks, one being Wilderness mountain and slept on the beach on Wilderness Lake. The following picture is of Wilderness Lake in the morning.
And the next picture is of the peak, just surrounded by other peaks and rocks and lakes and not a whole lot else. It was quite the hike, and quite the humbling experience! 
This is all well and good but there is a forest fire in the region. The knott lake fire is raging over a ridge from the lodge so we had to go see it. That was the next hike and here is the few of the fire.
So after a 12 hour hike out of there back to "civilization".... it was time for another adventure back to Williams Lake and the farm sitting gig at Fraser Bench farms in Soda Creek.
And what else is in the area but more forest fires. Now we took a dusty road down to chilko lake. On the way back there was a "shortcut" towards Williams lake and along the chilko river to Alexis Creek. There is a raging fire along this river that someone warned us about but that was a week before, it had goten cold and a bit of rain so the fire had to have subsided, this is the lava canyon fire. Well driving along 10 km we hit the first warning of a fire devestated area.
But the road was clear up to this point at least so it was passable and so we kept going. Choppers flying over head. Real smokey but the road wasn't closed, just a warning of a fire in the area and to avoid the back country. So lets keep going. Well A few logs accross the road didn't stop us, we had the can do attitude.
So after 3 hours and 3 km of doing this every 50 metres or so we get to a point, it is 6 pm, hungry, tired, the sun is going down and we encounter this huge log accross the road. The chain saw was left in our imagination, the little hatchet wasn't going to cut it, and our super human strength was missing (canned spinach is hard to come by). So all that hard work and we had to turn around..... the next picture is of the tree that downed our spirits...
And we also had some marshmellows, but there was a fire ban for obvious reasons and so we were relagated so the stove with mediocre results.
And that brings us to the last 2 weeks at Fraser bench farms in Soda Creek, unfortunatly my time is up on the library computer so I'll get some more pics and some more adventures up here shortly. Hopefully soon. This gig is over early next week and then I am free. Don't really know where to go or what to do yet... It will come and everything will just work out like it always does. Alright thanks for reading! Hope to hear from ya!