I am not too sure who Prince George was, but I am sure he would be proud of this place. So after 1.5 months on the road, I have finally reached the geological centre of British Columbia. What a vast province! Almost too much. A sensory overload is around every corner, in every tree, in every breath.
The last few weeks have been in the Cariboo Chilcotin area. Wells/Barkerville/Quesnel/Williams Lake/Likely. Just all awesome towns with awesome people. It seems that the locals really know where to go. In Wells, this real small (Population 200) just before Barkerville (A tourist stop), I stopped in at the visitor information centre. The girl there could tell I wasn't looking for the usual. I started asking about hikes and snow shoes and the sasquatch and stuff, you know, general conversation and she told me about this lake that only the locals know about in Wells. You have to go down this small road that doesn't look like more than a trailhead. You just have to believe it's there she says.
It led to this lake (I can't think of the name right now... oh yea Wandel? Wendle? Wandle? Something like that). So it was pretty much the best spot possible to park a van, light a fire, go for a swim, fish, hike, and just let the soul explore anything that it wants to. I went back twice to this lake, I couldn't get away.
The second time though was after stopping in at a ghost town called Stanley, nothing left but some rubble and garbage. We create sooo much waste these days but if it wasn't for the garbage of yesterday, this rubble wouldn't have been as interesting. It gave insight into the way of life out there. Anyways after exploring a bit, it was time to try to strike it rich, gold panning! I truly believed this was my time, history repeats itself and gold rushes will happen again. After a few cold wet hours, nothing but rocks... probably valuable to some people, but not the right people. Oh well.
So I don't have my camera with me otherwise I would post a few pictures, not that I have been taking many because they all look the same after awhile, the typical mountain senery shot, but some are nice, well we'll see if they are nice.
Anyways I see some people have replied, and some have commented and some have signed up to follow which is much more than I ever expected. Thank you everyone! And sorry, for the previous e-mail, it is not a burdan to hear from people or anything, I love to get updates from anyone! I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed but it is getting better so please anyone, everyone let me know how they're doing! and like I said, i'll try to try to reply!
Hope everyone is enjoying that beautiful world out there, ciao!