Finally remembered my camera and have high speed internet at Naomi's friends place in Smithers so figured I'd use this time to post a picture or two, just a sampling.
The first is a picture from the road up to Cape Scott past Port Hardy. It is a little tough to see but a car has been smashed by a falling tree, yes that is not expected when you are around large trees in clear cut areas.
This next picture is of

the sloquet hot springs. This remote host springs south of Pemberton after a few hours on a pretty good gravel road, meander into an active logging area and if you believe it, you will see this sign saying there is a hot spring down this steep trail. To my surprise, this swiss couple was there hanging out. They left expectantly but met up with Fletcher and Alexi happened to mosey on down. Ended up camping and having a great camp fire that evening. Nothing like hot mineral water all over your body in the middle of the night. And a big thank you! To Fletcher and Alexi for the coffee the next morning! Sorry all I could offer was the cheapest beer possible....
And finally, a pictur

e of the old trail that has changed the whole province of British Columbia, the Cariboo waggon trail (the "waggon" is spelt that way on purpose, but I have no idea why....) Anyways, it was this old trail that wagons and hopeful prospectors would go on up to barkerville from Yale. It is not used much these days, in fact it is not used at all, it was supposed to be a hiking trail up to Barkerville but I got turned around after a few kilometres because of an impassable river... Lots of old buildings, artifacts, graves, and history to spark your imagination in every step. I was very engulfed by the spirit of this area....
Alright.... time to rest up and hit the open road tomorrow morning up to Whitehorse hopefully by friday.... We'll see.....
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